Formed in 2008 in the Swiss village of Scoville this Band brings you the old sound of Rockabilly in a new and exciting way

Aunque están comprometidos con la música "antigua", comparar a The B-Shakers con una radio vieja y polvorienta no sería exactamente exacto. Por el contrario: su sonido se presenta como una locomotora de vapor que resopla con fuerza y ​​chispea. El caballo de hierro se abre paso imparable a través de las extensiones infinitas y trae un sonido rockabilly honesto y contagioso.

Los B-Shakers tocan pistas crudas y salvajes con una mezcla de estilo rockabilly de los años 50. ¡Sonido que te hace temblar! La banda suiza proviene de Argovia. Ogo toca el bajo de la caseta del perro y agrega coros, mientras que Rodge mantiene el ritmo de la banda en la batería. Mary con una voz fantástica y el guitarrista principal Gretschi le dan a la banda su salvaje sonido rockabilly.


Formed in 2008 in the Swiss village of Scoville this Band brings you the old sound of Rockabilly in a new and exciting way

Although they're committed to "old" music, comparing The B-Shakers to an old, dusty radio wouldn't exactly be accurate. On the contrary: their sound comes across as a powerfully snorting, sparks-spraying steam locomotive. The iron horse unstoppably makes its way through the endless expanses and brings honest and contagious rockabilly sound.

The B-Shakers play raw and wild tracks with a blend of 50's style rockabilly. Sound that makes you shake! The Swiss band comes from Argovia. Ogo plays the doghouse bass and adds backing vocals, while Rodge keeps the band beat on drums. Mary with fantastic vocals and lead guitarist Gretschi give the band its wild rockabilly sound.


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